Ecodesign preparatory study on mobile phones, smartphones and tablets

This study provides the European Commission with a technical, environmental and economical analysis of smartphones, mobile phones and tablets in accordance with the European Ecodesign Directive and Energy Labelling Regulation. The analysis will be based on the Methodology for Ecodesign of Energy-related Products (MEErP) detailed on the methodology page.

The overall policy target of this study is to analyse the feasibility of sustainability requirements for smartphones, mobile phones (including cordless landline phones), and tablets. This study has started in April 2020 and has been completed by March, 2021. Reports and other related documents are published on the documents page.


If you would like to read more about the background of this study, then please visit Introduction.

Inception Impact Assessment

The ‘inception impact assessment’ related to the initiatives on potential Ecodesign and Energy Labelling measures for mobile phones and tablets has been published on the dedicated pages of the Europa website:


-        Ecodesign:

-        Energy Labelling:



Comments period closed January 27th 2021 (midnight Brussels time).


As of Q1 2021 the impact assessment for a potential regulation of this product group commenced. To inform stakeholders about the current status of the process an online meeting was held April 16, 2021, 9:30 am - 12.30 pm. (Registration closed)

Open Public Consultation - CLOSED

Through public consultations you can express your views on aspects of EU laws and policies before the Commission finalises its proposals.

All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to a consultation on mobile phones and tablets. The European Commission likes to hear the views of citizens, governmental and non-governmental organisations, as well as of industrial stakeholders, with interest on the potential Ecodesign and Energy Labelling requirements for mobile phones and tablets.

The target audience for this public consultation is potentially very wide, including users, public authorities, original equipment manufacturers, enterprises (often small and medium enterprises) working on services or activities related to these products, such as product assembly, repair and maintenance, as well as environmental and consumer non-governmental organisations.

It is possible to respond to the public consultation in a personal or organisational/institutional capacity.

Consultation questionnaire (archived, consultion period expired)
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